Monday, August 21, 2017

Solar Eclipse!

We had such a memorable day learning about the solar eclipse and witnessing it happen! Here are some awesome activities we did:

1. How can the small moon cover the big sun? Students discovered that the moon can eclipse the sun because of distance! Objects appear smaller when they are further away. They "eclipsed" the sun (basketball) with the moon (ping pong balls) and measured how far they had to step back.

2. Next, we ate some solar eclipse snacks! We had moon pies, sun chips, and caprisuns as we watched Bill Nye The Sun!

3. Then, we stapled rubber bands on our glasses to make them fit nice and tight on our heads!

4. We chewed our eclipse gum as we did third grade solar eclipse stations!


1 comment:

  1. These are great pictures! Thank you for giving us a peek into their day and making this event so special for our kids!!


Field Day Fun!

We are the third grade tug of war CHAMPIONS!! Mr. Austin (my husband) came to play! He didn’t know he would leave soaking wet 😂